​​EverName - opens domain name registration in 6-characters-long. Everscale community,. As planned, EverName.

21 Nov 2022, 14:33
​​EverName - opens domain name registration in 6-characters-long Everscale community, 👋 As planned, EverName.io the Everscale-based decentralized name system, will open the registration of 6-character-long domain names today. November 21, at 18:00 UTC 📆 And next Monday, November 28, at 18:00 UTC, 5-character long domain names will be available for registration. Each address represents an NFT that users can own, sell and transfer to others. ⛓️ EverName aims to make the use of blockchain as familiar as the traditional internet, keeping all the advantages of blockchain - freedom, security, and decentralization. 🌐 Choose your short and memorable domain name for your dApp, decentralized website, and wallet visit EverName.io to get your .ever! #Everscale #EverName #DeNS