Everscale community MeetUp #123. The monthly community MeetUp will take place today. 1pm UTC. Agenda. Technical updates.

11 Apr 2023, 10:19
πŸ“£ Everscale community MeetUp #123 The monthly community MeetUp will take place today! ⏰ When? 1pm UTC πŸ“‹ Agenda 1. Technical updates 2. T-Sol plugin 3. Flex updates 4. EverPoint Conference 2023 5. Other updates 🎀 Questions will be answered: 1. From call participants 2. From YouTube 3. From those who wrote us with the hashtag #M123 πŸ”— Link ⚠️ Remember: if you can't join this time, you can still drop your question in the chat using the hashtag #M123 and we will try to answer it in the livestream. Don't forget to double check your time zone! 🌐 #Everscale #Community_meetup

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EverscaleEVER #366
11 Apr 2023, 10:22
πŸ“£ Everscale community MeetUp #123 The monthly community MeetUp will take place today! ⏰ When? 1pm UTC πŸ“‹ Agenda 1. Technical updates 2. $Ever Surf Chrome extension 3. T-Sol plugin 4. #Flex updates 5. EverPoint Conference 2023 πŸ”— Link
Everscale community MeetUp #123. The monthly community MeetUp will take place today. 1pm UTC. Agenda. Technical updates.
πŸ“£ Everscale community MeetUp #123 The monthly community MeetUp will take place today! ⏰ When? 1pm UTC πŸ“‹ Agenda 1. Technical updates 2. $Ever Surf Chrome extension 3. T-Sol plugin 4. #Flex updates 5. EverPoint Conference 2023 πŸ”— Link https://t.co/t0CjdQa9Fd https://t.co/qO6wOKfOd9