#JustDAOIt. Epoch 6 results.
04 Jan 2023, 15:25
Epoch 6 results 🗳
Epoch 6 has ended on FlatQube DAO and the farming pool rewards for the next Epoch (14 days) have been determined.
The voting was held using veQUBE, the FlatQube asset designed for DAO votes. Everyone can get veQUBE by locking in QUBE, FlatQube's utility token.
Total votes: 77040 veQUBE
Distribution: 42350 QUBE ~ $44550
Farmings | Votes, veQUBE | Distribution, QUBE
QUBE/WEVER | 30628 (39.75%)| 14822 (35%)
QUBE/BRIDGE | 11506 (14.93%)| 6325 (14.93%)
WBTC/BRIDGE | 8709 (11.3%) | 4787 (11.3%)
WEVER/USDT | 8179 (10.61%)| 4496 (10.61%)
WBTC/WEVER | 3961 (5.14%) | 2177 (5.14%)
WETH/WEVER | 3148 (4.08%) | 1730 (4.08%)
USDT/USDC | 2936 (3.81%) | 1614 (3.81%)
WEVER/BRIDGE| 2863 (3.71%) | 1574 (3.71%)
WEVER/USDC | 2606 (3.38%) | 1432 (3.38%)
WEVER/DAI | 2500 (3.24%) | 1374 (3.24%)
Treasury | — | 2014 (4.75%)
Pools that got more than a 35% share of the total vote will get the maximum share—35%—of the reward, and the surplus over 35% will go to the treasury. Pools that got less than a 1% share of the total vote will get nothing over the course of the next epoch (14 days).
Detailed info on Epoch 6 including a voting breakdown can be found here 👈
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