Real Time Matching: Everscale product owner and I2BF. com investment director to discuss Web3 live on June 15.

14 Jun 2023, 20:59
Real Time Matching: Everscale product owner and investment director to discuss Web3 live on June 15 πŸ”₯ Together with our partners from CryptoMatch, this Thursday, June 15, we will be holding a Real Time Matching event β€” an online networking session that you can watch live. Two top specialists will immerse you in the topic of fundraising strategies and Web3! Everscale will be represented by EVER Wallet and Qamon product owner Alexander Goncharenko, and his networking match will be investment director Denis Kalyshkin. Join on June 15 at 4 p.m. (UTC)! Drop any questions about the discussion in our chat ❔ The meeting will be streamed via the CryptoMatch Twitter account 🐦 #CryptoMatch #RTM